Video making of... - video
KRATKI REZ / SHORT CUT - short film workshopIn autumn 2007 workshop within the Videla video programme of Kibla was dedicated to short film and conducted by the extremely talented Croatian director Zvonimir Jurić. The mentor of the six-day workshop was chosen upon the recommendation of Boris T. Matić, the director of Zagreb Film Festival and the creator of Motovun Film Festival.
Zvonimir Jurić studied film and TV direction at Loyla Marymount University in Los Angeles. In 1992 he entered the studies at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb, Department for Film and TV Directing. The peaks of his creativity in the area of short film include »Sex« (an episode in the omnibus »Sex, droge, rock'n rol«) and Crime and punishment. He directed the documentary »Nebo pod Osijekom« (The Sky Below Osijek). He is also known for the film »I crnci su izdržali, a ja?«.
»When communicating with people, I feel no need to compete with whom I'm talking to, to assume the position of the stronger competitor. I'm not interested in that. That would no longer be communication, but expressing pity towards the person, suffering in a discussion. To quote Dragojevič: "To a sensitive person, being convincing serves as a proof". To be convincing is precious, as it is dependent on a stable subtlety of human communication in the sense of the unshown, the unsaid, the concealed being more important than the seen and the heard. This is the problem that I try to solve in my films." Zvonimir Jurić
The workshop was dedicated to short film from the idea to the final product. It comprised a theoretical as well as a practical part.
The workshop was co-mentored by: Dino Schreilechner – co-mentor, coordination, technology Cameron Bobro – sound
Workshop participants: Barbara Sever, Monika Vrečar, Aleksandra Fekonja, Saša Bezjak, Bine Karol Tekavec, Andrej Gulič, Amer Cerić, Jasmina Založnik, Violeta Škrabl.
Course of workshop: Beginning of workshop: 27th September 2007 Conclusion of workshop: 2nd October 2007 Organizer: KIT KIBLA, Glavni trg 14, Maribor Participation fee: 40 EUR Payment options: two installments Number of participants: 12
On Tuesday 2nd October at 8 pm the final projection of Short Cut films was organized in ACE KIBLA, followed by a public discussion with the mentor and director.
Production: Association for Culture and Education KIBLA Workshop was realized with the support of Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia Workshop partners: Propeler and Zagreb Film Festival.
»What concerns me, inspires me« Zvonimir Jurić
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 Dino Schreilechner in Zvonimir Jurić
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 Cameron Bobro
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