Shifts and revelations (HDLU), Erasmus+Shifts and revelations Exhibition & art work presentation artKIT, Glavni trg 14, Maribor
HDLU Zagreb in collaboration with ACE KIBLA Maribor 29 January 2017 – 11 February 2017
The opening and presentation of works from the exhibition titled Shifts and revelations took place on Friday, 10 February at 6 p. m. at arKIT, Glavni trg 14, Maribor. The exhibition featured a presentation of the results created during the two-week creative sessions by young guests from Croatia and local mentors/artists.
The exhibition showcases works by students from the School of Applied Arts Rijeka: Doroti Čanak, Emilly Komadina, Josip Zrinšćak, Karla Matić, Patrik Veršićin, and the Secondary School of Applied Arts and Design Pula: Ana Savić, Lucija Opačak, Myra Rivera, Valentina Spajić. They will be presenting the process of creating artworks, which were constructed under the mentorship of Saša Bezjak, BFA, Aleksandra Farazin, professor of art education, Metka Kavčič, BFA, and Jasna Kozar, BFA.
Movements (shifts) are the essence of creation. Hand movements, body shifts; the fluidity and flexibility of ideas is what makes the world go round. This is why we sometimes say that things need to move from a dead end point or a standstill. Creation is a foundation of knowledge (realization, revelation). Creation is most often related to experience, which is why collaboration is all the more important: it is a challenge to both mentors and students; a shift from the everyday routine; a chance to work side-by-side in a creative environment. The new millennium is increasingly becoming an age of shifts, of social, economic and technological migrations we can hardly keep up with in the abundance of news and novelties. And if such shifts/movements are the essence of creativity, and creativity lies at the core of realizations, then we can hope also for a shift within the contemporary mindset – from a closed society towards an open-mindedness of the mind and spirit. exhibiting artists: Emilly Komadina, Josip Zrinšćak, Patrik Veršićin mentor: Metka Kavčič, BFA (painting) exhibiting artists: Lucija Opačak, Doroti Čanak mentor: Aleksandra Farazin, professor of art education exhibiting artists: Myra Rivera, Karla Matić mentor: Saša Bezjak, BFA (painting) exhibiting artists: Valentina Spajić, Ana Savić mentor: Jasna Kozar, BFA (painting) curator: Nina Ira Jeza
The Croatian Association of Artists (HDLU) performs activities in collaboration with Slovenia in Maribor between 29 January and 11 February 2017, as part of the Artists for Art Education 2 Program.
The Croatian Association of Artists (HDLU) is carrying out the second project Artists for Art Education 2 as part of the EU program Erasmus+ between 1 June 2016 and 31 May 2017.
The project is conceived as an activity accompanying the 150th anniversary of The Croatian Association of Artists HDLU. A two-week mobility program for twenty-nine students from five Croatian institutions/schools of applied arts (located in Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Osijek, and Pula). The aim of the mobility program is to perform a professional training supported by mentors and professional artists in Slovenia and Austria.
More: www.hdlu.hr/2017/01/zapocela-provedba-drugog-projekta-erasmus/ Works, Photo: Branimir Ritonja, Kibla archive
Photo: Kristijan Robič, Kibla archive
Photo: Branimir Ritonja, Kibla archive


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